We understand that, some applicants may find it difficult to provide or get the necessary evidence to identify themselves in line with minimum requirements. In these cases, we have an exceptional circumstances approach which allows you to use special provisions to verify the identity.
Reasons for exceptional circumstances may include applicants:
- whose birth was not registered
- who are homeless
- who are undocumented, or recent arrivals to Australia
- who live in remote areas
- who are transgender or intersex
- who are affected by natural disasters
- with limited access to identity documents for reasons associated with how they were raised, their ability to participate in society, or due to their age
- who are foreign nationals and reside outside of Australia.
This online Application & Informed Consent Form advises you (the applicant) to contact us if you
cannot meet minimum proof of identity requirements. In these cases, we will:
- understand your circumstance and verify that your claim is legitimate, and
- use the special provisions to obtain appropriate documentation to verify your identity.
You must provide;
- as much identity documentation as practically possible
- evidence to support why the required documentation cannot be provided
At a minimum you must provide an identity document that also operates as a photographic identity
document or a photograph certified by a person listed in Schedule 2 of the Statutory Declarations
Regulations 1993 (Cth)
After you provide documentation;
- We will make a record of our consideration, verification and linkage exercise to support our decision-making process.
- We will assess each application for special provisions on a case by case basis, and will keep a record of that consideration and the reasons to support or deny the application.